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Tuxedo & Kariginu Costume Set

Tuxedo & Kariginu Costume Set

(1,798 YEN / S-court points)
This product comes with 170,000,000CR.
Related tags| Costume Set

The following will be added to the edit menu.

*Formal Tuxedo Set
*Kariginu Set

*Long Front Part
*Bob Bangs
*Short, Choppy Bangs
*Aggressive Bangs
*Natural Center Part

-Back Hair
*Japanese Style Long Bound Hair
*Bob Hair
*Short, Choppy Hair
*Aggressive Hair
*Airy Mid-Length Hair

-Hair Extensions
*Japanese Style Long Ponytail

-Hair Ahoge
*Grow Sprout

Sample Icon
Released date(JPT)04-07-2022
Needed capacity180,574,885 bytes