Custom Order Maid 3D2 It's a Night Magic shop
CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 Season pack 2019 Summer

CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 Season pack 2019 Summer

(2,261 YEN / S-court points)
This product comes with 220,000,000CR.
Related tags| Season Pack, Costume Set

This set includes following items.

*GhahGhah sailor set
*Sea cafe costume set
*Ao Dai set

*Sea cafe management event
*Sea cafe management route

-Studio mode items
*Plate for food
*Fried noodle
*Canned beer
*Beer in a beer mug

-Studio mode Back ground
*Sea cafe

1. The event of this DLC can only be played at heroine types of “Muku”, “Majime”, and “Rindere”.
2. In the case of purchase of costumes only, items of background, event, and items for studio mode are not included.
Also, even if you purchase all the costumes, no background or event will be attached.

Sample Icon
Released date(JPT)09-12-2019
Needed capacity270,015,507 bytes