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Valentine Karaoke Pack

Valentine Karaoke Pack "Reformative Heartgraphy" Ver.Bookworm,Sweet little devil,ladylike,Secretary Maid,Soft Cuddly Girl,Blunt for Reformative Heartgraphy Karaoke Dance purchaser

(1,926 YEN / S-court points)
This product comes with 190,000,000CR.
Related tags| Dance
*Please read before buying*

This product is for players who already own the following DLC:
This version does not work on its own. (You must have purchased one of the above DLC to use it.)
・Karaoke Pack Karaoke PartySP "Reformative Heartgraphy" Ver. Preppy girl, childhood friend, Friendly, Lady, and Onee-chan
・Karaoke Pack Karaoke PartySP "Reformative Heartgraphy" budled version

The following will be added.

-New Dance

*Reformative Heartgraphy-Karaoke Ver. All the maids 2

-New Event

*A Song is a Song(Bookworm)
*What Would You Like?(Sweet little devil)
*A Break and Fried Food(Ladylike)
*An Ominous Song(Secretary Maid)
*Lovey Dovey Time(Soft Cuddly Girl)
*I Want to Hear Your Voice(Blunt)

*Drawn in by the Aroma(Muku)
*The One I Want Most(Majime)
*Honestly is Best(Rindere)
*A Special Cake(Bookworm)
*I Want Chocolate so Bad(Sweet little devil)
*This Year I Want Something Different(Ladylike)
*How to Save Precious Chocolate(Secretary Maid)
*The Best One(Soft Cuddly Girl)
*It's Just for Repayment, Okay?(Blunt)

-Studio Mode Background
*Valentine Cafe

-Studio Mode Items
*Chocolate Fondue
*Heart-shaped Ballon
*Valentine's Banner

Released date(JPT)02-09-2023
Needed capacity311,892,925 bytes